I read. A lot. I’m interested in a variety of subjects and read a lot of books, blogs and newsletters on a range of diverse subjects. As well as for fun. I prefer sources that look in-depth at subjects, with links to research or other sources, rather than broad-source statements that pass as ‘news’ or ‘bites’.
I like learning about law, especially freedom of speech and copy-right issues, politics, current affairs, the economy, philosophy and psychology. So here’s a list of what I’m currently reading, a list of favorite books, as well as blogs and newsletters I follow. Outside of the standard news from BBC and NOS.

The Bloggess – Like Mother Theresa, only better
Jenny Lawson – Award winning blogger and writer
Irreverent and witty blog about living with mental illness. Yes, I am definitely part of her tribe.
Especially recommend posts by Mike Masnick – businessman
Where technology meets … copyright law, free speech, difficult policy decisions which affect innovation and technology, and so on and so forth.

The Popehat Report
Ken White – Lawyer
Newsletter about law, liberty and leisure. In depth legal look at current events. An expert on free speech. Law-splainer extraordinaire. With a healthy dose of sardonic humor and self-awareness.
Very Serious
Josh Barro – Journalist
In depth look at politics, business, the economy, and life. I think I like his way of reporting because his takes seem fact based, free from personal ideology and has a certain quality that adds a layer of humanity and humor to otherwise incredibly dry subjects. Might have to do with his initial degree in psychology.